The Strep A Test Cassette from is an immunological rapid test for the qualitative antigen detection of Group A streptococcal bacteria directly from a throat swab. Package Contents: - 20 Test Cassettes - 1 Bottle of Extraction Reagent 1 - 1 Bottle of Extraction Reagent 2 - 20 Extraction Tubes - 20 Dropper Caps for Placing on the Tubes - 1 Reagent Stand - 20 Sterile Swabs - 1 Bottle of Positive Control - 1 User Manual Test Details: - Sample: Throat Swab - Test Time: 5 Minutes - Sensitivity: 97.6% compared to blood agar culture - Specificity: 97.5% compared to blood agar culture - Cut-off-Level: 1.5 x 105 Bacteria/Test in all Strep A - Strains - Storage: 2°C to 30°C