Mediscore and Lagaay International will continue together under the name Lagaay Medical with the same service you are used to.

CareBag Toilet Liners, 12 pieces

Product name

The CareBag® Commode Liner with super absorbent pad from Cleanis is the no.1 solution for the prevention of bodily fluids transmitted infections including C diff*. The Carebag® commode Liner is designed to fit most commode pails and is equipped on the inside with a unique super absorbent pad which will turn any kind of body fluids (urine, emesis, liquid stools, blood...) into a gel within seconds. It is a single use medical device preventing cross-contamination and offering nurses and nurses' assistants with a safe & secure solution for the management of commode pails. The liner is a medical grade bag equipped with easy-to-use ties. Once closed, the liner completely suppresses odors.

Product code 293025