Mediscore and Lagaay International will continue together under the name Lagaay Medical with the same service you are used to.

Splint Traction Adult Sager, 1pce

Product name

The Sager splint provides increased safety, comfort and manoeuvrability for child or adult, whilst treating single or bilateral lower limb fractures. The Sagers lschial Perineal Cushion duplicates the Thomas Full Ring function. Counter traction against the ischial tuberosity, pubic ramus and the symphasis pubis is attached comfortably for both sexes of all body sizes. No ishial bar to interfere with interochanteric, sub capsular and other proximal femoral fractures. Pelvis and body reclination remain natural for straight and sublime alignment. The Sager system permits you to document exactly how much traction you have applied to your patient.

Product code 296550